The cost of breast pumps can range from $8 for a manual breast pump to $550 for wearable breast pumps. Let's not mention the costs for accessories.
If you have health insurance, I recommend contacting your health insurer first before you spend a whole bag on a breast pump. Be sure to add breast pump accessories to your baby registry like milk storage bags, nursing bras, and a pumping bandeau.
Check with your health insurance company to order your FREE breast pump.
Below are the links to some major insurers that can help you begin your breastfeeding journey.
Also, ask about other pregnancy and breastfeeding benefits offered to you.
Easy use and fits most narrow neck bottles
Great for on the go!
Great because you can be hands-free in case you need to check your phone!
Breast milk storage bags
Lansinoh Breast Pump. I love it because it connects via Bluetooth and has a feeding and pumping tracker! Con: It's only compatible with broad neck bottles.
